BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Date iCal v2.14-dev//NONSGML iCalcreator 2.18// METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20141102T030000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20150308T030000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20160703T122351Z CREATED:20131022T212415Z DESCRIPTION:Note: Any updates to this event, such as changes to the date o r location, will NOT be reflected in this calendar appointment. For the most current event information for the 2014 Congress of the Humanities an d Social Sciences, please visit\n\nSeries: Big Thinking\n\nAssociation: Federation for the Humanities and Social Sci ences\n\nAccess Level: General public\n\nDescription: Death-dealing weapon s ruled No Man’s Land and the trenches on the Western Front during the Gr eat War.  This borderland space created a dislocated environment for the soldiers who fought at the front and it spawned stories of ghosts and hau nting.  Within this space, some Canadian soldiers also embraced the magi cal, the uncanny, and the supernatural to make meaning of their war exp eriences and to cope with the stress of combat.  Tim Cook’s Big Thinking lecture will explore how these “grave beliefs” redefine and reconfigure t he cultural history of Canada’s soldiers during the Great War. Tim Cook i s the First World War historian at the Canadian War Museum, an Adjunct R esearch Professor at Carleton University, and a former director for Cana da’s History Society.  He has published six books, including the two-vol ume history of Canadians fighting in the Great War, At the Sharp End, w hich won the 2007 J.W. Dafoe Prize and 2008 Ottawa Book Award, and Shock Troops, which won the 2009 Charles Taylor Prize for Literary Non-Fiction .  The Madman and the Butcher: The Sensational Wars of Sam Hughes and Gen eral Arthur Currie, was a finalist for several writing awards, includin g the Shaunessy-Cohen prize for political writing, the J.W Dafoe Prize, and the Ottawa Book Award.  His most recent book, Warlords: Borden, Ma ckenzie King and the Canada’s World Wars, was a finalist for the 2013 Ch arles Taylor prize.  In 2012, he was awarded a Queen's Diamond Jubilee m edal for his contributions to Canadian history and, in 2013 he was award ed the Pierre Berton medal.  He lives in Ottawa and is a frequent comment ator in the media. See here for additional information about Tim Cook, c ompiled by Brock University Library. Breakfast is served. In English. Sim ultaneous interpretation available via cell phone. The video of the Big Th inking lecture is now available below:\n\nBig Thinking supporting sponsors :\n\n\n\n Big Thinking The Big Thinking lecture series is held throughout C ongress and is open to all attendees and members of the public. This seri es brings together leading scholars and public figures who can present fo rward-thinking research, ideas and solutions to the critical questions a nd issues of our time. The 2014 Big Thinking lecture series is organized by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences and Brock Univer sity. See the complete list of Big Thinking lectures... DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20140526T074500 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20140526T085500 LAST-MODIFIED:20140527T115544Z LOCATION:Welch Hall - David S. Howes Theatre SUMMARY:The borders between life and death: Stories of the supernatural and uncanny among Canada’s Great War soldiers (Tim Cook) URL;TYPE=URI: -death-stories-supernatural-and-uncanny-among-canadas-great END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR